cari ann shim sham*
Movement Lab
cari ann shim sham* is a wild artist attracted to things that sparkle, a wild edible mushroom hunter, and a collector of antique doorknobs. shim sham* works with the dream world through light, movement, magick, technology, and impossible bodies. She travels the world as an artist and curator. In her free time, she enjoys going to Contact Improvisation jams and free diving with wild spotted dolphins and sea turtles in crystal clear warm waters. At the moment shim sham is beta testing her interactive inflatable singing sea anemone experience, an empathy generator for sea change drawing attention to the impact of plastic upon the ocean; directing a Horror VR Opera XR experience "The Parksville Murders"; and designing performative lighting strategies for an inflatable Dance Experience "See/Be Seen" with Emily Beattie. Grateful to have her work seen over the years in the most notable venues around the world and for all the accolades received, shim sham most relishes the precious process of making the art and the longtime collaborations that this process fosters. She feels extremely lucky to walk the creative path with Emily Beattie, Mary Hale, Anne Hiatt, David Roussève, Mimi Yin & Joey Zaza. She is honored to serve as a guide to young artists at NYU Tisch School of the Arts as an Associate Arts Professor of Dance & Technology.