Allison Costa SAR Headshot

Allie Costa

Barnard College, Computer Science & Dance


Movement Lab

Allison (Allie) Costa ’19 (Dance and Computer Science) is a New York City based dancer, poet, burgeoning choreographer and computer scientist focusing on human­-computer interaction.

Fascinated with finding ways to visualize the intangible, she is experimenting with using technology to expand our understanding of human movement potential, as well as using graphics and dance to physicalize data, the immaterial information “stored” in computers. This Spring, using the Movement Lab, she will be investigating inherent movement inclinations in dancers. Specifically, she will examine improvisation and how, if given feedback via technology, a dancer can adjust their movement to minimize redundancy and expand their range. She hopes to unite the two universal languages of dance and technology to engage a larger audience and break down the gap between these two symbiotic fields.